CA Chirag Vijayvargia
Indore, Madhya Pardesh, India | Jan 22 Qualified
We have brought you a new success story of our subscriber who worked hard to earn CA to his name. We have asked him a few questions regarding his preparation techniques and his experience of the journey as a CA Student. His words may give you some ideas to prepare and score well in the next exams.
Meet CA Chirag Vijayvargia
He belongs to Indore, Madhya Pardesh, and have qualified Dec 21 Exams
Lets’ know what he said when we asked him questions:
When did you start your journey as CA Student?
I started the CA Course in 2015
What / who inspired you to choose CA as a profession
My father inspired me to become a CA. When I was in 7th standard my father used to told me that there is one profession which commands higher value and you get paid for your signature, its sounds very interesting and funny that time but when I supposed to take stream I opt for commerce then determined to become a Chartered Accountant.Where did you join your articleship?
I did my articleship from Bhandari Jain & Co.Tell us something about your journey to becoming a Chartered Accountant, how you started CA Course, the challenges you faced, the hurdles you have gone through, your articleship experience, etc.
I was not a studious one during my school time thento I opted for CA, Everyone around me in my family & friends was like you can't clear the course is very tough, though I belive in myself and god.
I also want to set an example that becoming Chartered accountant doesn't require you to be studious during schools.
I failed 2 times in IPCC, everyone was laughing, criticising me stating me there point that we already told you that you can't clear this couse but I can't stop and cleared my IPCC in my third attempt, it's the turning point in my CA Journey now I joined CA office for aticleship now I feel the competition in the market, now I really want to be a Charteted Accountant. I worked hard during 3 years I took exposure in every field open to me.
Then after training I was on 6 month preparation leave, I started with both groups preparation but in between my morale gets down and I stick to one.
But unfortunately I could not clear the group1 in July21.
On 13th Sept. when result was declared I am totally flunked, that day only I decided to go with both groups though I didn't study 2nd group in my first attempt but decided to go with both in just span time of 2.5-3 months, I left everything. I make daily plans and work on it, I left all my friends inshort I left everthing and focused only on exams.
Many of my friends and realtive told me not to go with both groups. Clear one by one but my heart allow me to go with both groups so I do.
My papers went well but I am not much confident on it. On 10th feb when I saw those 4 letters PASS on my marksheet all those struggles are worth it.
What or who helped you most in your tough times?
My family is the source of motivation for me. They stand with me in my each failure. They never pressurize me do better, I remember when I came back from FR paper in DeC21 and told my father that may be paper was not that much well, he simply told me don't worry everything will be all right, they told this exam is not all about studies you require a good fortune too. The way he explains me all this develop the motivation in me to do better for next papers.What was the feeling of clearing CA Final Exams, the day when you actually earned CA to your name? describe something about that moment
The feeling was not able to write in words. when everbody came to you and say congratulations CA sahab, when you received 'n' of messages, when you received back to back calls. ▪Its worth it when you see that 4 letters in your marksheet "PASS" ▪Its worth it when your father called realtives and say mera beta CA ban gya. ▪Its worth it when you and your mom hug and cried. ▪Its worth it when you change your name in all social media and add prefix "CA".Which books you preferred during your preparations
How much your relied on online notes shared by faculties time to time?
No not much but for some facultiesHow much your relied on online revisionary classes shared by faculties time to time?
Very muchA piece of advice you want to give your fellows, that will help them in their studies / Life
I want to advice my fellows that this course require patience but I assure you it will give you fruits.
The day you become CA its the best day you ever lived in your life, its the day when your parents are happy and reason for their happiness is because of you.
How many hours do you think is enough to devote for a student appearing in exams during last month of preparations?
There is no hours criteria for studies as some require less time to do that topic but some require whole day to do the same topic.
Rather then hours you have to solely focuses on coverage, make daily targets and told youreself that you can't go to bed without achieving your day target.
How did CA Passion be helpful in completing your journey from CA Student to CA
It helped me keep myself gets updated about the curriculum and notifications.How long you are joined with CA Passion
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AnnouncementsRead more such stories of those who become CA and made their parents proud:
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Compiled & Presented By:
Gourav Kapoor
Founder, CA Passion
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