We have brought you a new success story of our subscriber who worked hard to earn CA to his name. We have asked him a few questions regarding his preparation techniques and his experience of the journey as a CA Student. His words may give you some ideas to prepare and score well in the next exams.
Meet CA Sunny Jethwani
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CA Sunny Jethwani Jaipur Nov 19 Batch |
Lets’ know how he prepared, what he did to earn CA to his name
When did you start the CA Course?
I started the CA Course in 2011.
What / who inspired you to choose CA as a profession
Professional And Reputed Career
Write something about your journey to become a Chartered Accountant, how you started the CA Course, the challenges you faced, the hurdles you have gone through, your articleship experience, etc.
मैंने अपना CA का सफ़र 2011 में CPT पास करके किया जो की गलती से पहली बार में हे हो गया. उसके बाद IPCC का पहला ग्रुप पास किया दूसरी बार में और एक छोटी फर्म में आर्टिकलशिप शुरू की जयपुर में. CA Final का पहला ग्रुप क्लियर करने में मुझे 4 attempt लगे और तब तक मुझे लगने लगा था की CA मेरे बस की बात नहीं है इसलिए मेने ACCA से DipIFRS किया जो जुलाई 2018 में. नवम्बर 2018 का एग्जाम देने के बाद मेने ACCA कोर्स भे ज्वाइन कर लिया क्योकि मुझ में CA बनने की सारी उम्मीदे एग्जाम के पेपर को देख के जा चुकी थी. नवम्बर 2018 वाले एग्जाम में मेने पहला ग्रुप पास किया पुरे 200 मार्क्स से और ACCA के एग्जाम में Fail. पर मुझे अपने भविष्य में कुछ अच्छा दिखाई नहीं दे रहा था तो मेने ACCA और CA को शुरू रखा. May 2018 का CA Final Gr.2 का एग्जाम में मुझे असफलता हाथ लगी पर ACCA के पेपर में में Pass हो गया. फिर मेने एक अंतिम बार का CA एग्जाम दिया जो की मेरी तरफ से आखरी कोशिश थी पर एग्जाम में मेने बहुत गलतिय की जो की नहीं होनी चाहेये जैसे ISCA के पेपर में सही आते हुए प्रश्न का गलत जवाब दिया. सितम्बर 2019 में मेने ACCA के अंतिम 2 पेपर दिए जिसमे मुझे उम्मीद नहीं थी सफल होने की पर में उनमे पास हो गया. नवम्बर 2019 में AMA और DT का पेपर मेरा अच नहीं गया था और मेने CA बनने की साडी उम्मीद खो दी थी और सोचने लगा था की एक चीज़ अधूरी रह जाएगी. मेने एग्जाम के ठीक बाद jobs ढूँढना शुरू कर दिया था. जब रिजल्ट आने वाला था तो मेरे शरीर में कपकपी छूट रही थी और जैसे हि मेने रिजल्ट देखा वो दिन मेरे जीवन का सबसे खुशहाल दिन बन गया मेने CA का एग्जाम पास कर लिया था और वो भी ISCA,IDT में 60+ मार्क्स के साथ. अब में CA,ACCA,DipIFRS Holder बन चूका हु.
Which books you preferred during your preparations
Which books you preferred during your preparations
- Paper 1: FR: MP Vijay Kumar
- Paper 2: SFM: -
- Paper 3: Audit:-
- Paper 4: Law: -
- Paper 5: AMA: Padhukha
- Paper 6: ISCA/Electives: ISCA:- Mastermind Notes
- Paper 7: DT: -
- Paper 8: IDT: Bangar Compiler plus 5 attempt RTP,MTP
What was your overall strategy to clear exams?
4-5 times revision of material I had
What was the one thing which worked for you to clear CA Final Exams
mock exam practice in last 1 month
What helped you most in your tough times?
hope and sci-fi movies
How many hours do you think is enough to devote to a student appearing for exams during the last month of preparations?
6-7 hours primary days and 10-11 hrs in last month of exam
How much you relied on online notes shared by faculties?
How much you relied on online revisionary classes?
Express your feeling, the moment when you got to know that you have actually qualified as CA
Bestest feeling ever. of becoming ca and not reading those books again
A piece of advice you want to give your fellows, that will help them in their studies
You must do mock exams of ICAI month before exams.
How long you are joined with CA Passion?
Last 2 years
Rate your overall satisfaction with our Posts out of 5
How many ratings you wanna give to admin services out of 5
What kind of posts/services did you like the most from CA Passion
Notes Updates, Announcements &
How did CA Passion be helpful in completing your journey from CA Student to CA?
Providing Masterminds ISCA Notes and DT Summary Notes
So These were views of a person who have just achieved what she was targeting for so many years. I hope her views would help you to learn and earn more.
I hope you will like our initiative to present views of students who are clearing CA Final exams. If you want to ask any more questions to them, then please write down them in the comment box below or contact us directly through WhatsApp, Facebook or any other social platform, we would include those questions also.
If you are qualified and you want to express or share your story to the world, then just contact me as soon as possible.
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